UN Role For Tribe

UN Role for the Indigenous People

The United Nations (UN) has set up a Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to ensure thatthe rights of the indigenous people are not violated and that they have access to basic rightsthroughout the globe. The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council, with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues related toeconomic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and humanrights.The UN believes in ensuring full participation of the indigenous peoples and the

minorities of each and every country in formulating policy principles and planning, executing and monitoring programs and projects aiming at protecting their rights and ending injustices,inequalityes, hunger and poverty.

Taking note of Human Rights Council resolution of June2006, the Council adopted the text of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (including 45 articles).
 Article 22 bis of the declaration stated “particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth,children and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this.”

The UN and the representatives of the indigenous people of the world may adopt a definitionof “Indigenous” acceptable to all to avoid confusions and derogatory definition of the term,“Indigenous”. The UN, the national Governments, Non-Government Organization-NGOs anddifferent professional bodies must recognize and respect the inherent knowledge of indigenous people. People other than indigenous and minorities must remember that the entire population of the globe could benefit from the knowledge and practices of the indigenous people.Therefore, all must endeavor hard to protect them from extinction that will also ensure protection of their resources, culture and civilization.

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