Rules of Marriage
No society gives absolute freedom to its members to select their partners. Endogamy and exogamy are the two main rules that condition marital choice.Endogamy:
It is a rule of marriage in which the life-partners are to be selected within the group. It is marriage within the group and the group may be caste, class, tribe, race, village, religious group etc.We have caste endogamy, class endogamy, sub caste endogamy, race endogamy and tribal endogamy etc.In caste endogamy marriage has to take place within the caste. Brahmin has to marry a Brahmin. In sub caste endogamy it is limited to the sub caste groups.Exogamy:
It is a rule of marriage in which an individual has to marry outside his own group. It prohibits marrying within the group. The so-called blood relatives shall neither have marital connections nor sexual contacts among themselves.Forms of exogamy:
Gotra Exogamy: The Hindu practice of one marrying outside one's own gotra.Pravara Exogamy: Those who belong to the same pravara cannot marry among themselves.
Village Exogamy: Many Indian tribes like Naga,Garo,Munda etc have the practice of marrying outside their village.
Pinda Exogamy: Those who belong to the same panda or sapinda( common parentage) cannot marry within themselves.
Isogamy: It is the marriage between two equals (status) Anisogamy: It is an asymmetric marriage alliance between two individuals belonging to different social statuses. It is of two forms - Hypergamy and Hypogamy.
Hypergamy: It is the marriage of a woman with a man of higher Varna or superior caste or family.
Hypogamy: It is the marriage of high caste man with a low caste woman.
Orthogamy: It is the marriage between selected groups. Cerogamy: It is two or more men get married to two or more women.
Anuloma marriage: It is a marriage under which a man can marry from his own caste or from those below, but a woman can marry only in her caste or above.
Pratiloma marriage: It is a marriage of a woman to a man from a lower caste which is not permitted.
Types of Marriages
Marriages are of different types across the world. Types of weddings are not to be confused with types of marriages, as weddings can of be of different types as per the community even if the type of marriage is Monogamous. Forms of marriage are also culturally driven and different types of marriages in the world are prevelant among varient societies. The types of marriages in sociology are as listed and explained below.Polygyny
It is a form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time. It is of two types --- Sororal polygyny and non sororal polygynySororal polygyny
It is a type of marriage in which the wives are invariably the sisters. It is often called sororate.Non-sororal polygyny
It is a type of marriage in which the wives are not related as sisters.Polyandry
It is the marriage of one woman with more than one man. It is less common than polygyny. It is of two types---- Fraternal Polyandry and non fraternal polyandry.Fraternal polyandry
When several brothers share the same wife the practice can be called alelphic or fraternal polyandry. This practice of being mate, actual or potential to one's husband's brothers is called levirate. It is prevalent among Todas.Non - fraternal polyandry
In this type the husband need not have any close relationship prior to the marriage. The wife goes to spend some time with each husband. So long as a woman lives with one of her husbands; the others have no claim over her.Monogamy |
Serial monogamy
In many societies individuals are permitted to marry again often on the death of the first spouse or after divorce but they cannot have more than one spouse at one and the same time.Straight monogamy:
In this remarriage is not allowed.Group Marriage:
It means the marriage of two or more women with two or more men. Here the husbands are common husbands and wives are common wives. Children are regarded as the children of the entire group as a whole.
Tribal Marriage
- Marriage by exchange.
- Marriage by capture is where a man forcibly marries a woman.
- Marriage by intrusion is where a woman forcibly marries a man.
- Marriage by probation allow a man to stay at woman place for weeks together after which if they decide to get married.
- Marriage by purchase or giving b ride price. A man is required to give an agreed amount of cash/kind to the parents of the bride as price which usually varies according to the physical beauty and utility of the bride.
- Marriage by service is where the man serves at his father-in-law's house before marriage.
- Marriage by trial.
- Marriage by mutual consent.
- Marriage by elopement.
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